3CX Live Chat & Talk 插件为我们的客户和客服打造了一条非常方便的通道。不过 3CX 插件上不是所有的文本都可更改,可以修改的仅限 3CX 限定的几种:
- 邀请消息:发送给客户的第一条消息。
- 客服名称:客户看到的客服名称。
- 窗口标题:聊天窗口的标题。
但是还是会有一些地方是官方没有覆盖到的,比如下方的 “Type Your message”,还有当需要输入姓名和邮箱验证时的文字,都是官方没有给我们设置的。
接下来我们将介绍如何修改这部分名称。注意,此方法仅限使用非 WordPress 插件的网站。
我们需要修改官方的 callus.js 插件,更多信息请查看 在非WordPress 网站上安装 3CX Live Chat & &Talk 插件。
在 js 文件中可以找到如下字段:
function(e){ e.exports={ Auth:{ Submit:"Start Chat", Name:"Name", Email:"Email", NameRequired:"Name is required", EmailRequired:"Email is required", EnterValidEmail:"Please enter valid email", FieldValidation:"Please fill in the field", OfflineSubmit:"Submit", CloseButton:"Close", PhoneText:"Phone", EnterValidPhone:"Please enter a valid phone number" }, Chat:{ TypeYourMessage:"Type your message..." }, MessageBox:{ Ok:"OK", TryAgain:"Try again" }, Inputs:{ InviteMessage:"Hello! How can we help you today?", EndingMessage:"Your session is over. Please feel free to contact us again!", NotAllowedError:"Please allow microphone access from your browser", NotFoundError:"Microphone not found", ServiceUnavailable:"Service unavailable", UnavailableMessage:"No Agents are available at the moment. Please complete the form below and we will get back to you shortly", OperatorName:"Agent", WindowTitle:"Live Chat & Talk", CallTitle:"Call Us", PoweredBy:"Powered By 3CX", OfflineMessageSent:"Your message has been delivered. We will contact you shortly via the email address you provided. Thank you and Good Bye!", InvalidIdErrorMessage:"Invalid ID. Contact the Website Admin. ID must match the Click2Talk Friendly Name" } } }
比如我们可以将所有信息都翻译成中文做本土化,也可以将 PoweredBy 改成自己的公司名。改完以后按 CTRL + F5 刷新页面就能看到结果了。